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2310 N. I-35E
Denton, TX 76205

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Looking for the right person to help you? If you know the person you need to speak with, you can search the listing alphabetically. Or you can search within a group of people based on the kind of service you need help with.



Headshot of Kelley Reese
Kelley Reese
Interim Vice President and Sr. Associate Vice President, UBSC

Administrative Support

Headshot of Rick Knight-Carr
Rick Knight-Carr
Senior Executive Assistant to the Vice President

Brand Marketing

Headshot of Chris Knapp
Chris Knapp
Director of Brand Marketing
Headshot of Shelby Bahnick
Shelby Bahnick
Marketing Specialist for Brand Marketing

Creative Project Management

Headshot of Jan Clountz
Jan Clountz
Director of Creative Project Management
Headshot of Harsh Sangani
Harsh Sangani
Project Coordinator

Creative Services

Headshot of Angilee Wilkerson
Angilee Wilkerson
Sr. Director of Creative Services

Dept. Budget & Operations

Headshot of Kathy Burmeister
Kathy Burmeister
Director of Division Budget & Operations
Headshot of Hannah Stuchell
Hannah Stuchell
Administrative Coordinator


Headshot of Nola Kemp
Nola Kemp
Director of Graphic Design
Ivy Tani
Ivy Tani
Assistant Director of Graphic Design
Headshot of Cliffton Caster
Cliffton Caster
Senior Graphic Designer
Headshot of Robert Bratcher
Robert Bratcher
Senior Graphic Designer
Headshot of Kenneth Failes
Kenneth Failes
Senior Graphic Designer

UNT at Frisco Marketing

Portraite of Neil Foote
Neil Foote
Executive Director, Frisco Marketing Strategy
Portrate of Genisis Tate
Genesis Tates
Sr. Communications Specialist

Internal Communications

Headshot of Michelle Hale
Michelle Hale
Senior Associate Director of Internal Communications
Headshot of Jill King
Jill King
Communications Strategist for Internal Communications

Media Relations

Headshot of Devynn Case
Devynn Case
Director of Media Relations
Amanda Lyons headshot
Amanda Lyons
Assistant Director of Media Relations
Bess Whitby
Bess Whitby
Sr. Communications Specialist for Media Relations
Chelsey Gilbert
Chelsey Gilbert
Sr. Communications Specialist for Media Relations

Photo and Video

Headshot of Gary Payne
Gary Payne
Director of Photography and Video
Headshot of Ahna Hubnik
Ahna Hubnik
Assistant Director of Photo/Video
Paige Thomas
Paige Thomas
Senior Videographer
Headshot of Carlos Marquez
Carlos Marquez
Senior Videographer
Headshot of Paul Slavonik
Paul Slavonik
Senior Videographer
Headshot of Timothy Stevens
Timothy Stevens
Video Producer


Headshot of Scott Brown.
Scott Brown
Senior Associate Director of Publications
Headshot of Jessica DeLeon
Jessica DeLeon
Associate Director for Publications
Headshot of Heather Noel
Heather Noel
Associate Director for Research Communications
Lisa Sciortino's Headshot
Lisa Sciortino
Sr. Communications Specialist for Publications

Recruitment Marketing

Headshot of Kelley Pound
Kelley Pound
Sr. Director for Recruitment Marketing
Headshot of Linet Cisneros
Linet Cisneros
Communications Strategist for Recruitment Marketing
Headshot of Walker Smart
Walker Smart
Sr. Communications Specialist for Recruitment Marketing
Headshot of Autumn Gunnels
Autumn Gunnels
Sr. Communications Specialist for Recruitment Marketing
Headshot of Cassie Kutev
Cassandra Kutev
Sr. Communications Specialist for Recruitment Marketing

Social Media

Headshot of Alicia Zartman
Alicia Zartman
Sr. Communications Specialist for Social Media
Headshot of Lexie Shamir
Lexie Shamir
Sr. Communications Specialist for Social Media

Strategic Communications

Headshot of Julie Elliott Payne
Julie Elliot Payne
Assistant Vice President of Communications
Headshot of Melisa Brown
Melisa Brown
Sr. Director, University Relations
Headshot of Amanda Fuller
Amanda Fuller
Associate Director of Academic Affairs Communications
Headshot of Christiana Flores
Christiana Flores
Sr. Communications Strategist for Presidential Communications
Allicia Washington-White headshot
Allicia Washington-White
Communications Strategist for Student Retention


Web Strategy and Development

Headshot of Charity Beck
Charity Beck
Executive Director of Web Strategy and Development
Headshot of Stephen McMinn
Stephen McMinn
Digital Development Manager
Headshot of Jacob King
Jacob King
University Senior Web Development/Programmer
Headshot of Eric Vandergriff
Eric Vandergriff
University Senior Web Development/Programmer
Headshot of Chema Salazar
Chema Salazar
IT Lead Programmer Analyst
Headshot of Jason Vissage
Jason Vissage
University Senior Web Developer/Programmer
Headshot of William Schuelke
William Schuelke
Associate Director of Web Content
Headshot of Destinee Norman
Destinee Norman
Communications Strategist
Headshot of Anna Ryan
Anna Ryan
Communications Strategist